Thursday, May 14, 2009

Two Seasons Hotel Boracay: From East to West, The Perfect Place for a Rendevous in Paradise

By Si Si Penaloza
Take Over-Extended Manhattan Exec A, who loves spending her holidays slowly parboiling in SPF 8 by the sea. Take one long-distance Laguna Beach Boyfriend B, who can do that almost all year round and prefers a frenzied holiday of soft adventure. Put them together to decide their first winter getaway. Let’s gloss over the inglorious argument and move on to the glorious compromise: the gorgeous new Two Seasons Boracay.
With its convulsive and rugged coastline - a thousand islands spraying from it like a meteor trail - The Philippine Islands offer a dizzying combination of history and sun-drenched beaches. The jewel in this archipelago crown is certainly Boracay, with its unrivaled Pacific setting. The Two Seasons is located in the heart of the more upscale Station 1, far from the island’s bustling charming side streets.

Yes, there are other beaches where you can stretch out in golden, bone warming heat and swim in healing saltwater sea that feels as sweet as a baby’s kiss. There may even be bars with the same sexy Polynesian architecture, delicious Patron Mojitos and captivating views as The Two Seasons Bar Lo. But there’s nowhere else you can spend a lazy afternoon and watch your boyfriend play EVERY water sport under the sun: para-sailing, scuba diving, kite sailing, snorkeling, jet ski, wake boarding etc… all the the relaxed atmosphere of The Two Seasons prime time spot on the beach. Hey, you got points for going sailing that day…
The Two Seasons is built on exceptional client care and guest relations. The management has paid close consideration to the guest-to-staff ratio. You’ll find yourself hard pressed waiting for any service longer than five minutes - weather it’s a second cocktail or house keeping attention. The staff is friendly, upbeat and professional - unlike service in the rowdier hotels in the down trade Station 3.

Sip a cocktail at the bar, then dip into the crystalline, body temperature waters for the full Two Seasons experience. Explore nearby coves and whisper-silent private inlets, from where the gentlest of swims unveils a jaw-dropping view of the island’s landscape. Venture up to the Two Seasons’ vibrant SkyBar for the best panoramic Mai Tai-hued sunsets in the Pacific.
You need a devil-may-care attitude and a crate of St Tropez not to feel self-conscious in Miami Beach, but in Boracay there’s no such thing as judgmental. If you can afford to be there you’ve earned it and the cabana boys dispense towels and sunbeds on a first-come-first-served basis to everyone regardless of how many entries in the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame they have.

It’s 6 AM. The ocean is a mirror, perfectly reflecting the sun rising over the Sulu Sea. The white, palm-fringed beach stretches out of sight and I shift contentedly in my cabana. I marvel at the palate of rosy natural hues and warm tones that grace this unique property. I was given a set of nail polishes when I was 14. In varying shades of coral, they were named after exotic island destinations: Bora Bora, Boracay and St. Barts. Boracay was the pinkest and prettiest of them all and in my mind became synonymous with glamour.
Our routine of morning swims and days spent reading and chatting by the pool makes the week fly by. Suntanned and happy, I think I’ve proven the merit in my method of choosing holiday destinations. Bora Bora and St. Barts are calling …

Yes, The Two Seasons delivers above and beyond in the most vital categories - prime beach location, gracious hospitality, beautifully appointed suites, cabana massages and great amenities. But how to satisfy that ravenous water-logged, sun-kissed hunger? Is the Two Seasons kitchen up to snuff? The short answer is, most definitely.

The traditional pan-fried fish breakfast is a perfect ten - crunch, spicy and aromatic. Savory prawns are plump, gorgeous and simply fabulous. My dinner entree of roast pork so perfectly cooked and the flavors so well married that I considered suggesting the dish be renamed, “Sexy Loins.” It was seriously awesome. The pork was infused with a grilled and smoky flavor. What a dish.

A Two Seasons highlight not to be missed is the out-of-this-world massage treatments by senior therapist Miss Flor. She is a one-stop passport to bliss and a great asset to this stunning new hotel.

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